Tell your story and get your communities advocating for your construction project(s).
- Your Story – explain your decades of service, the hundreds of miles of fiber you’ve already deployed and the millions you’ve already spent.
- Your Current Service Area – this helps to show that you are the best partner and funding recipient as you are already serving or touching the communities that need broadband.
- Funding Options – explain the options available to communities to get fiber internet or 100% coverage.
- Funding Map – visually depict how current construction projects deliver advanced speeds to some but additional support is required for all homes and businesses.
- Consumer Petition – get customers and prospects supporting your application(s).
- Letters of Support – from VIPs, local leaders and anchor institutions.
- Companion Pieces – explain the benefits of supporting your specific project over other competitive offers.
Show Your Funding Map
It is critical that you show how your current projects – as currently funded – leave holes in your service areas.
We Secure Consumer Support
Letters of support go a long way in today’s environment. Plus One not only secures support but executes consumer petition campaigns.
Keep VIPs Informed
Plus One drafts and distributes monthly newsletters with build updates, community efforts, educational pieces and so much more. Having continued engaging outreach doesn’t just inform stakeholders but makes them advocates for your network once you go-live! By keeping the governor, mayor and your federal reps informed you are cultivating relationships that result in testimonials and community events that will help you sell your service once construction is complete.