
Are Your Customers Happy? Just Ask Them.

Customer surveys help you determine your customers’ broadband/internet needs and expectations. Surveys allow you to better understand your customer base, give customers a chance to voice their opinions, identify areas that are of importance to them, and highlight the processes and services that you want feedback on for improvement or confirmation. Plus One offers customized customer...

October 14th, 2019|

Creating a Win-Win Intern Program

Creating a Win-Win Intern Program  There are many different perceptions of internships -- probably because the position varies widely from company to company. Viewed from the corporate standpoint, that perception can range from a [...]

September 19th, 2019|

Plus One Launches Internship Program

June 7, 2019, Arlington, VA ­– The inaugural internship program for Plus One Strategic Communications, LLC (Plus One) kicked off this week. Plus One welcomes three interns to the team for the summer of [...]

June 7th, 2019|

2019 Business Development Plan

Your 2019 Business Development Plan (aka a marketing plan) should be finalized by December 1, 2018. Why? Now is the time to reflect on what has worked in the past year, what didn’t work, and [...]

December 20th, 2018|
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